Objective of Solid Phase Extraction (SPE)
Objective of Solid Phase Extraction (SPE)
Separation and Purification of Target Analytes
Making use of solid phase extraction to separate and purification a target analytes are described in the following two methods

Types of SPE
Currently the following types of solid phase extractions are available.
Types |
General Solid Phase Extraction (General Purpose Type)
InertSep Series
Pesticide Analysis in Drinking Water & Environmental Water
PLS-3,InertSep RP-1
General Four Steps
The general use of solid phase extraction is in four steps, as shown in the figure below.

Procedure for solid phase extraction
In general, there are 3 solid phase extraction sampling methods (as shown in the below) as well as a gravity based system. For quick and reproducible sample pretreatment by solid phase extraction, the suction method and the pressurization method are good methods. Variety of easy-to-use peripheral equipment and automatic solid phase extraction systems are available.