
InertSep Seires

InertSep WCX

InertSep WCX

InertSep WCX is a mixed-mode SPE sorbent based on styrene divinylbenzene polymer
modified by a weak cation-exchange group. It has a hydrophobic and a cation-exchange
interaction, making it suitable for the pretreatment of strong basic compounds.

Average Particle Size : 30 µm
Surface Area : 520 m2/g
Pore Volume : 1.2 mL/g
Pore diameter : 9 nm
pH Range : 1 - 14
Ion exchange capacity: 1.5 meq/g

DescriptionColumn DimensionQty.Cat.No.
InertSep WCX10mg/1mL100pcs5010-62710
InertSep WCX30mg/1mL100pcs5010-62711
InertSep WCX60mg/3mL50pcs5010-62712
InertSep WCX150mg/6mL30pcs5010-62713

96 Well Plate

DescriptionColumn DimensionQty.Cat.No.
InertSep 96WP WCX10mg1pcs5010-66470
InertSep 96WP WCX30mg1pcs5010-66471